Tove Kommedal Tove Storch Anngjerd Rustand
Tove Kommedal (NO), Anngjerd Rustand (NO), Tove Storch (DK)
May 2018
Volume 4 of Find Your Eyes presents site-specific projects by Tove Kommedal, Anngjerd Rustand and Tove Storch on Sølyst.
Using natural materials to create a parallel space to investigate the islands changes, work by Tove Kommedal, Anngjerd Rustand and Tove Storch investigate growth and natural processes on Sølyst to explore our relationship with our environment and each other.
In Ballast, Tove Kommedal investigates the story of Sølyst and the surrounding islands. Over the last several centuries, ships have dumped ballast on the island, from which stowaway seeds and spores from exotic vegetation loosened and made their home on the island. In a poetic exploration of the island’s history–and its future–Ballast recreates this process. On simplified, wooden torrii, a Japanese gate that typically acts as a portal to the sacred from the mundane, Kommedal installs logs made out of ice. Inside the ice, the seeds of Meadow Buttercup, a wildflower, will wait for the ice to melt, when they can fall to the ground and create new life.
Anngjerd Rustand’s work uses history and nature as a gateway for the exploration of the beauty, variety and possibility in nature. At Sølyst, Rustand will present her artist book, INN (2017), which contains prints from her Blåbær og aske series, and a workshop of the same name that will explore her process. The series, made with juice extracted from bilberry (European blueberry) and wood ash, repeats a simple process of extracting the juice, mixing it with the ash and pouring it onto the paper. Blåbær og aske has resulted in numerous paintings and several large scale painting installations that demonstrate the surprising beauty of seemingly minor variations in nature. INN (2017) is presented somewhere along the trails in Sølyst where some of these books hang from a tree, inviting curious explorers to flip through their pages. Rustand shares her bilberry and ash technique during a workshop held in the Sølyst greenhouse on May 5 (1-3pm).
Like both Kommedal and Rustand, Tove Storch’s work uses natural materials as a lens through which to explore the island of Sølyst. Storch creates two large sculptures of wood and silk. Monumental, yet delicate, these sculptures form a semi-transparent horizon over the uneven terrain of the island. Allowing the environment of the island to affect the sculptures, Storch’s work reflects the presence of time through nature’s impact: the discoloration of silk, wearing away of paint, tears in the fabric and rotting of wood. For Storch, natural processes like decay and contamination are not something to avoid, but to celebrate and use like any other material. Nature’s impact is employed as a way to add beauty, emphasizing the delicate nature of the construction and the relationship of the materials to their surroundings.
Volume 4 is curated by Ingeborg Kvame and Monika Wuhrer.
Tove Kommedal
Ballast: Wood, Rope, Meadow Buttercup seeds, ice
Tove Storch
Wood, screen printed silk
Tove Storch
Tove Storch’s practice is informed by questions around how a sculpture exists and how it comes into being. Her work often takes the shape of physical and sculptural manifestations, exploring structural forms and geometric notions. The contrast of materials – such as silk intersecting metal – is often at the core of her practice, constituting a vibrant tension balancing on the edge of collapse. She is interested in examining materiality and creating a language for the non-verbal.
Anngjerd Rustand
INN: Book with Blåbær og aske (bilberry and ash) prints
Blåbær og aske (bilberry and ash) workshop
Anngjerd Rustand (b. 1982) is a Norwegian artist based in Bergen. She works with drawing, text, painting, installation, and artists books. She runs a small artist book press named Trippelpunkt. In 2017–18 she is a student at Skrivekunstakademiet i Hordaland (creative writing).